Primary Election Day in the District of Columbia is coming up on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Don’t let this election pass you by in silence – make your voice heard and make a plan to vote! Make a Plan to VoteIn DC, you can vote early, vote by mail, or get in line and vote...
On Wednesday morning, former Congresswoman Donna Edwards shared reflections on our country’s current political atmosphere and her vision of the future of her community with a crowd of labor leaders, local politicians and interested residents of Prince George’s County....
Local 400 Shop Stewards Darlene Butler-Jones and Bill Osborn had never gone to Annapolis to meet with their state legislators, testified before the Maryland General Assembly or spoken out at rallies before. So when they were asked to help lead Local 400’s campaign to...
Tuesday, May 10 is election day in West Virginia! Polls open at 6:30 a.m. and close at 7:30 p.m. Together with the West Virginia AFL-CIO, UFCW Local 400 has endorsed the following candidates for office. Who you vote for is your individual choice, but we encourage you...