Tuesday, June 9, 2020 is Primary Eection Day in West Virginia! Together with the West Virginia AFL-CIO, UFCW Local 400 has endorsed the following candidates for office. Who you vote for is your individual choice, but we encourage you to consider voting for the...
Local 400 is proud to endorse Elissa Silverman for D.C. Council At-Large. Silverman has served on the council since 2014 and chairs the Committee on Labor and Workforce Development. In that capacity, she championed the passage of the District’s monumental paid family...
Tuesday, June 26 is election day in Maryland. Make a plan to vote! As your union, we have endorsed the following list of candidates because of their track record of fighting for economic and social justice. They have committed to passing a $15 minimum wage and...
On Tuesday, May 8, 2018, West Virginians will vote in an important statewide primary election. We must vote to change our current legislative leadership’s war on working families which has stifled workers’ voices, lowered wages, and made workplaces less safe. It is...
Tuesday, May 10 is election day in West Virginia! Polls open at 6:30 a.m. and close at 7:30 p.m. Together with the West Virginia AFL-CIO, UFCW Local 400 has endorsed the following candidates for office. Who you vote for is your individual choice, but we encourage you...