Introducing the 2024 Shoppers Bargaining Advisory Committee! We are the team of union members helping to negotiate our next union contract with Shoppers. Together, we have nearly 128 years of combined experience in the stores.

  • Alvaro Grande, Shoppers #2646
  • Debra Coleman, Shoppers #2632
  • Christy Bennett, Shoppers #2672
  • Kevin Freeman, Shoppers #2618

If you see one of us in your store, don’t hesitate to talk to us, ask us questions, or make suggestions. We want to hear from you. We need your ideas and we need your participation to succeed.

We kicked off negotiations with Shoppers on May 23, and we have scheduled dates through July to work toward an agreement before our current contract expires on July 13, 2024.

We’re ready to fight for our best contract in YEARS – and we’re going to need your help.  The only way we will win a better contract is if we all stand united, stay informed, and take action together. We must show Shoppers that we are united for our best contract. We’re ready to fight for what we deserve, and we need you to be ready too. Let’s do this!