If you can’t make it to work, you must call off or you could face discipline. However, many of our members are reporting that they have faced discipline even after calling off from work.

The process is outlined clearly in the Kroger policy manual: “If unable to report to work as scheduled, the associate will call store management or the person in charge in absence of store management at least two (2) hours prior to the start of the shift.”

To ensure you are calling off from work properly, please take the following steps:

  1. Call the store at least two hours before your shift and ask to speak to the manager or person in charge. Tell them you are unable to work.
  2. Write down the time, date, and name of person you talked to when you called and save the information for your records.
  3. If you are disciplined for any reason relating to your absence, contact your shop steward or union rep immediately. Be ready to share the information you wrote down.

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