As announced last week, Kroger owes over $300,000 in back pay. This week, Local 400 members started to receive their checks!

Without a union, that money would be lost to us. But, thanks to the Kroger associates who made sure that our union contract was enforced, we are able to fight for and win every penny of the money that we have earned.

The story — Back in 2013, Local 400 members caught Kroger cheating full-time associates out of their holiday pay by scheduling them fewer hours on weeks with holidays, in violation of our union contract.

The violations occurred during holiday weeks from Independence Day 2013 through New Year’s Day 2015. Some associates were cheated out of more than $1,200 in lost pay.

Kroger refused to pay up, so we took our case to a neutral arbitrator and asked him to order Kroger to pay. Although Kroger threw up delay after delay, we never gave up. Finally, our persistence has paid off. This week, Kroger began mailing out back pay checks. And because they took so long to pay us what we are owed, Kroger has to pay interest as well.