PHOTO CREDIT: “The Scales of Justice” by James Cridland.
The NOVA Restoration Initiative Presents: The 2016 Legal Clinic
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Shiloh Baptist Church
1401 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Program Overview
Legal Clinic:
Community Members are encouraged to come out and meet with attorneys from Legal Services NOVA, Lawyers Commitee for Civil Rights Under Law, The Arlington County Public Defenders Offices of Arlington and City of Falls Church & The Old Dominion Bar Association to discuss matters of: criminal record expungements, criminal law, child custody/visitation, child support, housing-landlord/tenant, consumer law-credit reports, debt collection and bankruptcy.
Restoration of Rights:
The Secretary of the Commonwealth Office will facilitate a workshop on Restoration of Rights.
Voter Registration:
New Virginia Majority will be doing voter registration.
Career Readiness Workshops:
- Resume Building + Interviewing Skills
- What’s In Your Parachute (Developing Your Career Path)
- Building Your LinkedIn Presence (does not begin until 12/noon)
- Complimentary headshots will be provided by two professional photographers.
Beauty & Makeover Workshop:
Ty Cobb, Celebrity Makeup Artist and Radio Personality, will facilitate a workshop on “Makeup/Beauty Best Practices.”
This event is free and open to the public, however, you must register to attend. Register here to attend.
Light refreshments will be served.