Photo: Stop & Shop Grocery Store by Flickr user JeepersMedia licensed under CC BY 2.0.
A message to all our Giant Food members & their families, from three UFCW locals
Right now, more than 35,000 UFCW members in New England – represented by five locals – are engaged in contract negotiations with the Stop & Shop, a subsidiary of Giant’s parent company, Ahold. From the very beginning, these Locals have negotiated in good faith, and all we’ve asked of Ahold is to do what is right by our members and their families.
The simple truth is that Ahold is a success because of you and all our members who work at Ahold’s stores – whether that store goes under the Giant Foods banner or the Stop & Shop banner. It is because of your dedication and commitment to serving our customers and the communities we love, that Ahold succeeds.
Instead of doing what is right, Ahold presented contract proposals that were nothing short of a slap in the face to these men and women – people just like you.
Not only is Ahold refusing to respect the hard work of our New England members, they are proposing dramatic changes to these contracts.
Ahold’s actions are wrong.
While your contract may not be involved, what the company is proposing is a threat to every member of our union family.
Make no mistake, Ahold’s actions in New England – if unstopped – will set a lower standard that the company will use when YOUR contract is up for negotiation. This is an issue that MUST matter to all of us.
Join with us, and stand with our brothers and sisters in New England. Help them, and help all of us, fight for the better life and good contract we all earn through our hard work.
Call Stop & Shop Customer Service: 1 (800) 767-7772
First, call the Stop & Shop Customer Service Number at 1 (800) 767-7772, and tell them to stop threatening our New England members and their families. Tell them that you and your local stand with our New England union family. Tell them to do what is right.
Second, please tell your family and friends to do the same. Every call will send a clear message that we are a proud union family.
We stand together. We fight for each other – no matter where we call home.
Thank you for all that you do, and for the privilege of serving you.
Tony Helfer
President, UFCW Local 23
George Murphy, Jr.
President, UFCW Local 27
Mark P. Federici
President, UFCW Local 400